Saturday, November 8, 2008

Lifebuoy, on the other hand...

Welcome to Velvet and Mikey's Yule Blog!

Why a Christmas Blog that starts two months before Christmas? Well, because they call it the "Christmas Season". Seasons don't just last for a day. Besides, there is nothing like spending the last two months of the year gearing up for that one beautiful and glorious day, only to be letdown by grossly unrealistic expectations of holiday magic. Can't wait!

The day after Halloween, the Christmas music is turned on, and we both start decking out our places like crazy. (The only difference is that Velvet puts her tree up asap, but Mikey waits till the week before Thanksgiving.) So, in this snow-covered corner of the interweb, you will find all of our favorite Christmas stuff...Christmas music, Christmas recipes, Christmas movies, Christmas Stories.
All Christmas all the time!

Lot's of great stuff heading your way folks! Babbo Natale!!!

Mikey and Velvet

1 comment:

Laurie and company said...

can't wait to see what you two Christmas crazies have to say, show...I love Ralphie...great minds think alike, huh?

Ok, I guess I will turn on some Christmas music today!

you spin me right round...LY